Sunday, May 16, 2010

Made it to Kanab!

Sooo, after 21 hours of driving, we're here! My awesome super mommy did ALL the driving.

The view is quite atrocious until you get to the mountains in Colorado. Here's a link to mah facebook, with a bunch of pics from on the way.

Facebook Trip Album

Kanab is sooo small compared to home. XD Not bad though. Just gotta get used to it. ^_^

Did a short trip to Best Friends. Was gonna take the tour, but they were full. Sooo, we just wondered around the welcome area which has some horses nearby and the pot bellied pig area. Saw a nice cluster of humming birds. =D I've only seen like one before, so seeing like 5 all together was really neat. We also visited Angel's Rest, which is really, really pretty and peaceful. There is a ton of wind chimes. My mom thought they were a little creepy, but I found it peaceful.

Gotta drive mommy to Los Vegas tomorrow for her plane. Sigh, 8 more hours in the car tomorrow....